Comments on: Chained, Matt Shaw For Lovers of Dark Fiction Fri, 25 Jan 2019 01:14:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cindi Fri, 25 Jan 2019 01:14:53 +0000 In reply to Karen.

Thanks, Karen. I really do enjoy his writing. It had been awhile since I’d read one. This was definitely a ME read. You know I’m always looking for what made the bad guy the bad guy. There was zero doubt why he did what he did. The review was hard to type because I didn’t want to sound sympathetic to him because he DID do horrible things.

By: Karen Fri, 25 Jan 2019 00:24:37 +0000 I know you enjoy Matt Shaw’s writing and I can definitely see why this is a “Cindi read” – the motivation of the “captor” the story behind the woman chained to him.

I do appreciate it when someone can make a point in a shorter word count.

I love that last quote too. Great review )
